First frost after the farmer died

Yes, I am the crow
you know — black
winged & raw
voiced — and you know
me when I ca(w)ll.

If you weighted for me
for the unbearable length
of an unrepeatable moo(n)
you would see
how heavy the tide
how the light is borne
on the backs of cows
too slow to get back
to the barn.

Yes, you are the owl
I dream when I dream
who — who might breathe
in the darkness.
who — who might
dream me back —
touch by touch
like the memory of a hard fuck
in a cold barn.

Ca(awwwww)ll me back
from a summer night
so the autumn might remember
the wind that warmed
(and never bit) the stone
(the hard cold stone)
that weighted (down)
the dawn as scandalously
as the dark forgot the moon.

Ca(awwww)ll me yours
i am yours
crowing about the sex
we both hide so carefully.

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