Prompt: Ekphrasis

Today, I want you to write a poem based on a piece of art that you absolutely love and are moved by that is hanging in a museum within 160km (100 miles) of your house. The rules are thus:

a) 21 lines
b) Alternating long and short – no more than 6 words in the long lines, 3 words in the short lines.
c) You must not use any words from the title of the piece in your poem. Nor may you use the name of the museum where it is found.
d) The title of your piece can have any words you wish, and give the key to find the piece you’re talking about.
e) The poem is to tell the artist why the piece is cruel, wrong, missing something, not quite perfect. You may beg, threaten or cajole the artist as you choose. They may be living or dead, it’s fine either way.
f) post a link to the museum or piece AFTER the work, but otherwise, no notes or comments as to what the poem means or why. If you can’t say it in the work – it must be left unsaid.

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