after mother passes

barefeet on oak floor
follow a creak to the door
full moon waits outside


green tea in the dark
the scent of the steam reaching
unseen for the stars


a brown bat dancing
between rough stars and smooth lake
– bites a mosquito


canada goose snores
in the thorny underbrush —
or perhaps a skunk?


For Celeste & Sydney

O Lowell, do not forget your daughters,
how they ran, how they skipped,
how they danced on hot summer nights
and sang silly songs into winter mornings.

Do not forget how your daughters stood
beside the river as the leaves turned,
how they wriggled their toes on the grass
one Easter morning.

O Lowell, remember your daughters
leaping and swimming and walking
down Merrimack Street – young
hopeful, dreaming dreams of love.

Remember your daughters in black shoes
laughing over wine at the theater,
how they curled their legs up underneath
cuddling with their babies.

O Lowell, do not forget your daughters.

tears on a darkening night

let me, long-haired,
hunt the buck naked
in the frigid

or, bald, forgiving
all the predators
the sun

let me, green-eyed
discover clothes
in the desert

or, earless
scream bluejay sweet
the moon

let me, wet-lipped
write the eagle
on the mountain

or, soft footed
step through the play
to the river’s bend

long-haired, green-eyed, wet-lipped
and with love
i dance your name
into the snow

my very
my very and
my only
love – forgive me

that place within

family is that place dear friends know
with hand knitted quilts and tarnished silver
she watches some show about strangers

she grumbles, family is that place, dear.
friends know with hands knitted like tight quilts.
Tarnished with silver watches shown to strangers

families are that place with no dear friends
and noted slivers of tarnished strangers
who quit when she sees them

strangers show that place to dear friends
hand them warm quilts and thirty silver
but never know she knows they are all family there.

The Pedagogy of Pain

My head is exploding
quietly without bells
like a forgotten landmine
in a land full of deaf mice

this, i tell myself, is why
i do not think. why
my finger is burnt
from grabbing the screen
from the fireplace

perhaps later, when
my pains make a lasting peace
I will better understand the absolute truth
about cause and effect

but now, my finger is exploding
loudly with bright red screams
like the memory of a rake piercing a hand
in a land full of rabid chipmunks.

Why a Man Writes a Poem

An airplane collapses through the air
toward the ground with sublime grace
a lovely riff on the jazz of despair
– the music of a calamity
gravity duped by a tarmac’s black humor

If there is a parachute, it becomes religion
– a crutch for the faithless to pretend
they have faith.

A mountain, turgid and honest,
points through the air toward the sky
with regal silence – a meditation on hope
– the mantra of resurrection
gravity forgiven by a passing cloud

If there is a stone, it becomes prayer
– a message for the Creator to speak
to the faithful.


Turkeys & coffee

We speak today of turkeys
Lyrics of fowl and hurt
Over a warm cup of coffee
And a piece of breakfast dessert.

We laugh that the cash is lacking
And the credit might make is cry
We wink link two heads asmacking
And neither of us know why

I promise a poem for the turkey
You tell me that’s how we shake the pain
I watch for an answer in a paper cup
But we both know that is insane

Come back for a bite in an hour
Come back when the hunger’s too much
Come back when the fowl all sour
On the courtyard and winters white touch


Passion & a Creative Mind

Every Stephan is a Stephanie
or a Mike – Every day but now

Long haired and maybe
or definitely – A ridiculous prayer

Every Stephanie is a Stephan
or Michelle – Every now today

Long haired and never
or possibly – a serious dance

Every Stephan finds a Stephanie
or a Mike within

Close shaved and always
or beyond – a perfumed beauty.

Every Stephanie is a Stephan
or Michelle without

Close shaved and now
or closer – a pale smooth flesh.

We souls

sneezeWe souls that eat
Become — in the wanting

This is the Long storied sneeze
The held breath
The lost eye

We souls that want
Become — in the eating

This is the new friend
Young and kind
A seat away
But listening for passion’s sake

We souls that know
Become — in the telling

This is the brief meal
With once-strangers
Growing fat
Upon the laughter’s true leaning

We souls that tell
Become — in the knowing