Courage and the Flames that Burn

Malala, it is dark here
but for one light –
your voice, like a song
reminds me how it feels to know
yes, i have a soul.

A star has cried out
from behind the cloud,
“Malala, I hear you
let me sing with you!”

Another, then another,
then another, a thousand thousand stars
shout, “Malala, we sing with you!”

Malala, it was so dark here
but for this single light
and your voice, “I will answer him with peace
and dialog.”

The moon, she is o-mouthed and amazed
by you Malala, by you and your song.
She joins in.

We all join your choir.
None of us are free so long as one woman is shackled
by the chains ignorance.

We all celebrate your choice.
We all rejoice in the victory of your every smile.
We all join your choir!

I whisper to you, Malala, “Yes,
Now I understand,
None of us win this war with a raised hand
only with a raised voice.”

All of us together, Malala,
“We will answer him with peace.”

If you believe this young lady’s message is worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize for which she has been nominated – share this poem and video.

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