
Years ago, i met a man
named Steven who wore
a hat or pants or something
very appropriate for a man
named Steven to wear

He said, “i am a man,
not a bull or a rhino
or a cat or a dog or a llama
or a cricket or a turtle.

I am a man. That has to be

I watched the sun hang
in the v of an old pine
waiting to fall
behind the times or
the world.

Later, i thought, there will be

Steven didn’t say anything
else. It was as if he was
waiting. We’re all waiting
I guess. I watched him
looking for something
wild to change the world,
or just his head
away from this orange sun
for a moment.

i told him, “aren’t we all?”
he just laughed and twisted
his head then pointed at a heron
gliding through the air
sliding along the glass-smooth water

i shook my head, “i guess
you’re right.”

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